Louis Abraham's Home Page

Everything about my email

Everything about my email

My email address

 _             _               _                _                 
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| |/ _ \| || || |(_-< _ / _` || '_ \| '_|/ _` || ' \ / _` || '  \ 
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The last time my computer retrieved my emails (?), my inbox contained ? unprocessed (unread or unanswered) conversations (excluding spam).

Among them, ? were automatically classified as important (the others are notifications and newsletters). The quartiles of the dates of my important unprocessed emails are ?, ? and ?.

Among the emails arrived after ?, I processed % of the important emails and ? % of the non-important emails.

The query box below allows you to determine if the email you sent me is in my important inbox and unprocessed.

If you haven’t received an answer and cannot find your email below, send it again.

Note that this page is only updated when my email client is open and connected to the internet.

Enter the subject:


How it works

I hashed the subjects from my inbox along with salts to control the maximal request rate. Your browser bruteforces all the possible salts to find your query in my inbox.

The salts are produced deterministically by taking the lower bits from hash(subject + seed). This allows to spare the load on the git repository.

The code used to produce the statistics on this page and the hashes is available here. The JS code to query the hashes is here.