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Overleaf premium features for free

Overleaf referral rewards

Overleaf rewards you when you recommend them to friends and colleagues.


In fact, the reward for getting 9 people to register is equivalent to a lifetime of a “Professional” license worth €28/mo (or $30/mo).

Overleaf prices

The funny thing is that Overleaf doesn’t check the emails of the registered people.

Unlock all premium features of Overleaf for free

  1. Connect to your Overleaf account
  2. Go to https://www.overleaf.com/user/bonus
  3. Copy the direct link

    Direct link

  4. Open a new private window (Firefox: ⇧-⌘/ctrl-P, Google Chrome: ⇧-⌘/ctrl-N)

  5. Paste the direct link in the address bar and go there.

  6. Fill the registration form with any random email looking like letters@letters.letters and any password.

    Direct link

  7. Close the private window (⌘/ctrl-W)

  8. Repeat 9 times steps 4 to 7.

  9. Profit!